A brand is a promise. Don’t believe me?
A brand is a promise. Don’t believe me?
It’s been just over a year since we landed the Geranium Rozanne account, and man, has it been a great year! For those who don’t know, Geranium Rozanne is an award-winning hardy geranium that is easy to grow, tough to kill, and perfect for first-time gardeners. As a flower, Rozanne has a great many virtues, but as our friend, she has even more.
By now, you have probably heard about the update to Facebook’s algorithms that have a major impact on reach, and subsequently engagement, on your Facebook posts. So how do you create posts that generate Facebook leads given the new changes that have decreased the reach of your posts? It takes a dose of detail mixed with a little creativity.
I admit it, I heart social media campaigns. But what do I love more? Successful social media campaigns that deliver tangible results for our clients - the kind of results that achieve their goals and mission, that generate an ROI their CEO can be proud of, the kind that fill their entire marketing funnel and (most importantly) make them happy.
Inbound marketing is difficult.
Before we could begin any work with Arthur Murray’s Bay Area Studios, Beka and Suzy had to take a dance lesson. Beka shares marketing tips and what the experience taught her about marketing and life over on the Arthur Murray Blog.
As we near the end of another year, the season of reflection and resolutions is upon us. And while it’s true that we should be analyzing and adjusting our strategy all throughout the year, we all know how quickly time passes and how easy it is to let certain things fall through the cracks.
Remember You've Got Mail? Joe Fox (F-O-X), as you recall, held to the popular stance, "It's not personal, it's business."
If I'm going to leave my company and my family for a four day conference, it better be worth it.