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Sales, CX

I laughed so hard at Aziz’s joke about searching online for the best toothbrush, in his performance Aziz Ansari: Live at Madison Square Garden” (29:50 seconds in). It resonated with me because I do it myself; before I buy anything that I might use longer than a week I research the product online. Aziz says that since we are all so afraid of making a bad decision, we commit a lot of time to research. Everything we need to know is all there online for most products. And yes, I did do extensive research before buying my toothbrush! Don’t judge me - it’s an electric toothbrush.

Website Design, CX

As a reader of this blog there is a 90% chance that your website is not mobile friendly, and that is a big problem since 60% of online research is done with a mobile phone or tablet.