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Leads, Strategy

Written by Tessa Bicard

You’re working hard to create consistent, quality blog content. Once you hit the “publish” button, you may be thinking, “Is this it? All of that hard work and research and writing and time and planning and editing … just over?” The answer is absolutely not. Let us introduce a creative and resourceful tool of “repurposing.”


By now your team has spent the necessary and time-consuming blood, sweat and tears (and talents) to craft the perfect blog posts based on your health club marketing personas. Now repurpose those bad boys to get more out of the quality content created by your hardworking team. Give them another life to live through another platform.

Here’s how to go about repurposing your health club marketing blog content in 5 different creative ways. 

1. Social Media

You have built a solid social media following on your various platforms, whether it’s Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Periscope or SnapChat (or the latest social media trend). Now use your existing blog content to bring these followers to your website where all of the magic happens – converting leads into members. And don’t forget about older blog posts, it’s easy and helpful to continue to republish your posts over time bringing older, possibly overlooked content back to the surface for your audience’s enjoyment and education. And don’t forget about showing those older posts to newer followers who may not have seen it when originally published! Another great way to utilize social media is by pulling highlights or quotes from your blog post content to use as status updates, Tweets, or Instagram captions for example. Simple and effective!

2. Email Newsletters

As we’ve talked about before, educational email marketing converts and is an essential tool in the health club marketing tool belt. Repurposing blog content into your email nurturing and follow-up is a super effective way to pull traffic and push for those conversions. Think about including a short excerpt from the blog post and a high-quality image to encourage your email contacts to click through. Segment your email lists by interest or buyer personas, and share the posts that speak directly to each segment identified.

3. Advertising

Drop the hammer and put some advertising dollars behind your top blog posts to boost traffic. Social Media advertising on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram are an easy place to start. Target the ads to your primary buyer demographics and boost the top performing posts - it’s as easy as that. By doing so, this will help spread your content beyond your current audience and drive website traffic in an effective manner, putting even a small advertising budget to good use.

4. Content Offer

Do you have multiple posts about one umbrella topic or overarching theme? It’s bound to be there - just take a closer look. Pull these similar blog posts together and edit them into a more in-depth piece of downloadable content (eBook, guide, workout plan, for example) that you can use as a special offer to collect email addresses. All you need to do is set up an easy email capture form that folks need to fill out before receiving their content, and you’re bound to get tons of new email leads you’ll be able to market to. You can even go back into the repurposed blog posts and link to the new premium content offer within each of the blog posts.

5. Another Blog Post

As you’re reviewing all your current blog post content, keep an open mind for brainstorming new blog post ideas. Maybe you’ll come across a blog post and think: “Hey, we should really expand on this nutrition topic” or “You know what, we need to follow-up on this new fitness trend with next steps to get involved.” Even better - look at comments from your readers in social media or directly on your posts. If someone takes the time to post a question, others are bound to be wondering the same thing. This is a perfect opportunity to reach your primary audience with a new blog post on the topic.

Use these 5 ways to repurpose blog content, and you’ll be able to capitalize on your past efforts and start coming up with creative new content ideas. What is your favorite way to reuse content?

Inbound Marketing

Tessa is an Inbound Marketing Consultant at WindFarm Marketing and specializes in the fitness and travel verticals, with an emphasis on B to C clients.
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