<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1659853424261423&amp;ev=PageView&amp;noscript=1">

Social Media, Strategy, Digital Advertising

Did you know that more than half of Facebook users dream about taking a vacation while they are browsing their newsfeeds—even if they don’t already have a vacation plan in the works? It’s true. And 55% of those planning a vacation “like” Facebook pages that spotlight their destinations.

Social Media

Achieving your business goals with travel Facebook marketing isn’t just about coming up with new gimmicks to score likes and shares. It’s also about engaging and inspiring travelers. It’s about giving people the opportunity to run wild with their imaginations as they plan their dream vacation—even if they’re sitting in a cubicle.

Social Media

Have you fallen for the myth that Facebook is only good for increasing awareness of your travel marketing—but not great for closing sales? Think again! Facebook is great for branding, of course, but you can also use it to book more clients and keep your current clients coming back to your website for purchase again and again. All you need are a few simple—but powerful—Facebook strategies.

Social Media, Digital Advertising

Looking for new ways to spread the word about your travel destination? Then Facebook is undoubtedly on your radar (if it’s not, it should be). With billions of users worldwide, Facebook delivers deeper market penetration than any other advertising medium—ever.

Social Media

Video marketing is critical in today’s world, particularly when it comes to the travel industry. Why? According to a recent study Google conducted with Ipsos MediaCT, two out of three U.S. consumers watch online travel videos when they’re thinking about taking a trip. Couple that statistic with the fact that this year video content will represent 74% of all internet traffic, and video marketing essentially becomes a no-brainer.

Social Media, Digital Advertising

Facebook advertising for destination marketing is a sound investment. Now if only there was a guide for traveler marketers with expert advice? Ahem...

With 1.86 billion monthly users, we can guarantee your target audience is not only on Facebook, but is using the social platform on a daily basis. As a travel marketer, this affords you a significant opportunity to target both your followers and their friends, as well as allow you to reach a new potential market that could be eager to learn about your destination or resort.

Did you know that Facebook advertising allows you to reach 89% of your intended audience? Now that’s good marketing!

Social Media, Digital Advertising

A majority of people carefully research their trips online before booking any of the details. This makes sense: traveling is an investment, requires time off work and people are always looking for a great deal or unique destination to visit.

During their research, let’s say they land on your website. Here’s the great news:

You don't know who they are, but Facebook does. And, now you are able to retarget them inside of Facebook with relevant content and offers.

Social Media, Digital Advertising

Cool weather is upon us, and if you’re a travel marketer then you’re probably gearing up for the new year with your next travel marketing campaign. Is Facebook advertising included in your game plan? It should be!

Social Media, Digital Advertising

We know your target audience is on Facebook, and because of this it’s one of the reasons why Facebook has emerged as one of the best online advertising platforms. In recent years, Facebook’s organic reach has declined, and so marketers are turning to Facebook ads to achieve results.