You can’t ignore the signs much longer - content marketing is an essential key to your overall health club marketing strategy. If you’ve already included it in your marketing mix, you’re ahead of the game! And if you’re just hopping on the bandwagon, there’s never a better time to get started with a strategic content marketing plan than today.
Before you do, though, we think it’s important to have a full understanding of content marketing – and that means understanding why content marketing works for health clubs. But let’s first define what content marketing actually is.
Content marketing is a comprehensive marketing strategy built on using valuable and relevant content to attract prospects and ultimately drive customer conversion. Content can be created in various forms including a blog post, email, eBook, video, podcast, webinar, and more. Content marketing is really a long-term strategy that requires the consistent creation of content that educates, nurtures and builds trusts with prospects.
Now let’s dig into why content marketing works for health clubs.
1. Your prospects are already searching for you
Your prospects are out there searching for health and fitness information. Living a healthy lifestyle is important to them and they are constantly looking for help with their fitness journey – whether they are trying to lose weight, build muscle, maintain a healthy and fitness-centered family, and more. As a health club, you are in a prime position to educate and help prospects achieve their goals.
2. Your current members & prospects need motivation
There is a huge need within prospects for constant motivation because, as we know as health professionals, becoming healthy is a complete lifestyle change. Joining a gym or health club is a great start, but to keep up the momentum, it requires constant motivation, guidance and inspiration. Creating and sharing content is a perfect way to offer this to your prospects and members – by either motivating them to join or to keep them coming back and using your health club week after week after week.
3. You can talk up your add-on services and amenities
Content offers the opportunity for your health club to highlight your classes, personal training opportunities, amenities, additional services, and more. Other ideas to elevate content include featuring personal trainers to bring attention to programs and staff, or educate members about all of the group fitness programs to get prospects into the gym and connected with your health club.
4. It’s the key to getting to the top of Google’s list
Lastly, content marketing increases your visibility online when done correctly and greatly improves your SEO (search engine optimization), provides shareable links to expand your reach exponentially, and fills your social media channels with educational and motivational content. All of this establishes you and your website as experts in the eyes of the search bots - which will continue to place you towards the top of search engine rankings when someone is searching for a gym.
How has content marketing worked for your health club? Or if you’re just starting out in the content marketing world, what are you most looking forward to accomplishing through a strategic plan?